Tuesday 15 November 2011

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty MW3 is a first-person shooter and an online multiplayer game. It was released on the 8th November (last week.) This game has made headlines throughout the week predicting sales to break records for a video game launch, and it did so! The game is £38.97 on Amazon, no doubt similar prices online and perhaps more in shops.

Storyline and Setting The earlier games in the series were based on World War II, starting with Modern Warfare, set in modern times, the series has focused away from this and also featured the Cold War. Generally, focusing on the modern times throughout. Modern Warfare 3 is evolved on World War III. Basically, the players are soldiers in war and are able to run around and shoot enemies as many games consist of nowadays. The main countries the game is set in is Paris, Berlin and London as this is where chemical weapons have been despatched to via following Makarov's trail to an arms deal in Sierra Leone and a warlord in Somalia. Affecting a London family which kills them from the chemicals. There are agreements assigned in the game but some go not according to plan by members of groups hijacking other people's property, areas being with rigged with explosives, kidnapping occurs and mass murders are found in this game. This causes suspense and a well laid-out storyline for players to easily follow along with in able for them to get a grasp of the game. No doubt, the players have played the previous versions of Modern Warfare or just Call of Duty, gaining a familar outline of the story and what to expect.                   

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The gameplay consists of campaign; allowing single player campaign varying characters throughout and changing perspective.
The player's character's health is shown on the screen by how much blood is splattered, however their health regenerates throughout time. The player's are given distance and directions of what objectives they need to accomplish. Generally, defeating enemies using various techniques to carry on with the game.
Another feature is Co-operative, which is Survival Mode. Either one or two players are constantly defeating enemies and the difficulty increases throughout from easy to hard. This allows players access to 'cash', so they are able to purchase weapons, ammo, health and equipment etc. This is available in the Multiplayer mode.
Finally, the Multiplayer version allows players to have 'killstreaks,' which are now called 'pointstreaks.' Capturing flags from the other team or completing objectives such as 'Search and Destroy,' by planting bombs on the enemies camps etc. These are organised into three different "strike packages." Allowing the player's primary weapon to level up and also, activiating freely "The Prestige Shop," allows players to buy features double XP points and extra custom weapon class. The tasks consist such of one called; "Kill confirmed", finding floating dog-tags from corpses of enemies. However, this can be overtaken by the opponent so it's a competition of how many the team can collect. Also, "Team Defender," requesting both teams to capture the opponent's flags, gaining double points, plus killing enemies to gain access to the other side. Another feature is that player's have access to Private matches consisting of pre-made game modes. 
OpinionsBasically, all of the players like the game series, the players enjoyed having the ability to kill people, escaping from realism. As well as the levels being appealing, passing a level is a triumph and unlocks more missions and gains access to features the player may not have been able to see before. On the other hand, a few players found that there was so much hype and buzz, it appealed to people extremely but to others it unfortunately didn't and some were disappointed in the game's outcome.
As well, some players disliked the graphics and compared their features towards a newly released game also, called Battlefield 3. Despite this, games are featuring the online mode, this enables a community and allows players to socialise with strangers or friends. However, people have experienced difficulties accessing online mode, perhaps from crashing or generally not being able to afford it. This is positive feedback mostly throughout, however, the price of the actual game is average as most people struggle to obtain £40 at least. If not then players need more money if they want a limited edition version etc.

Downloadable Content If ordering the game, you gained a new avatar of a solider from the game. You could simply download it off the Xbox Marketplace and redeem your code given. Despite this being minimal, it has appealed to many and no doubt their characters are customised based on their favourite or recently played games.

Rating:     4/5
Modern Warfare 3 has been successful, despite negative feedback included. Overall, you can't beat the Call Of Duty/Modern Warfare series being a smash-hit.

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